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Cosmetic glass bottle factory
產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):1140Cosmetic bottle 
型 號(hào): Cosmetic glass bottle 
規(guī) 格: ALL 
品 牌: 萬利包裝 
單 價(jià): 電議/面議 
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2020-09-29  有效期至:長(zhǎng)期有效
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 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):  Cosmetic glass bottle
 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:  ALL
 產(chǎn)品品牌:  萬利包裝
Guangzhou Wanli Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. is an international manufacturer of glass products, specializing in the production of high-end cosmetics packaging bottles, and is committed to providing better packaging for the cosmetics enterprises.

Guangzhou Wanli Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. is an international manufacturer of glass products, specializing in the production of high-end cosmetics packaging bottles, and is committed to providing better packaging for the cosmetics enterprises. Over 1000 cosmetic moulds are available for customers to choose from. More than 10 years of professional experience in cosmetic packaging industry has been accumulated.

We specializes in packaging for daily use cosmetics from design, mold, sample, sample, production, sand, vacuum electroplating, UV spray, seven color, internal spray, high and low temperature monochrome and multicolor printing, gold stamping (silver), imprint, gold (silver), and word washing one station service. And provide customers with relevant plastic parts, all kinds of sprinkler heads, aluminum covers, bottle shoulders, bottom sets and other supporting services.

Note: manufacturers are custom-made production and processing

[Product introduction]

[product quote]

The foreign quotation of Wanli product is a comprehensive consideration of material, structure, quantity, process, quantity of accessories, quality standard, customer requirement, loss, packing mode, transportation mode and so on. A single contrast is not biased!

[production cycle]

The general production cycle ranges from 35 to 45 working days depending on the variety, processing difficulty and customer requirements. For example, there is no printing for 25-30 working days. The delivery date of the bottle without electroplating and spraying is generally within 35-40 working days. If the process is more complex and the structure of the bottle itself is more complex, the delivery period is generally between 40-45 working days. In addition, it is also related to holidays. For example, the delivery time before and after the Spring Festival will be lengthened. If there is a special case of communication.

[sample cost]

The product sample needs to pay the corresponding proofing fee. The general cost is not more than 1000 yuan. The actual cost depends on the structure and the process of the bottle. The proofing fee is returned after placing the order.

[quality assurance]

Pure environmentalimportraw materials, accurate work, medicine glass material, accord with the national standard, from the design, production, processing, packaging, eachlinkis meticulous, each product do the best. Process excellence, quality rigorous, fine, symbol of high quality! The hardness of bottle film is over 4H and 95% alcohol soaked for 48 hours. The coating has excellent coating thickness, good gloss, strong adhesion, high hardness, high density, alcohol resistance, scratch resistance, impact resistance, corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

[proofing time]

The general proofing time is 10-15 working days. The more varieties, the more complicated the process, the longer the cycle. The specific time is determined according to the corresponding bottle type. Consult the Wanli customer service commissioner for details.


After the goods are made well, the customer service personnel will make a settlement form according to the actual shipment quantity of the goods, carry out the specific delivery place and the consignee with the customer, arrange the logistics after settlement, and inform the customeraboutthe time of arrival, and the logistics company will contact the recipient before delivery. The delivery time of logistics is related to the distance, weather and holidays.?



Product introduction

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